Though the lazy greedy google tata sponsored bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar does not do any work online, does not invest any money online, the shameless section 420 fraud ntro employees led by puneet, hathwar, kodancha have put a single woman bhandari engineer, google competitor who brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree looted, under surveillance, and are now falsely claiming that the bengaluru fraud housewife, a lazy fraud is writing content to justify the wastage of indian tax payer money paying the brahmin fraud a monthly salary at the expense of the google competitor.
Actually bank details will easily prove that bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater R&AW employee housewife nayanshree hathwar is not making any money online, yet in 2017, brahmins have the license to cheat and lie without being questioned
However the google competitor, bhandari engineer is making money from various sources, including sale of domain names. After she made some money from domain sales at the namecheap marketplace, the fraud shivalli brahmin and other ntro employees have hacked the namecheap marketplace for firefox and microsoft edge browser, so that the google competitor cannot list any domain for sale
Usually the fraud ntro employees are misguiding and duping most people with their slander of the google competitor, so that no one is purchasing domains from the google competitor and she is making a loss, though the domains are valuable. however when the domain is listed for sale in the marketplace, it is a direct transaction, and these fraud ntro employees cannot block the transaction, cannot cause losses. It appears that the R&AW salary for cheater housewife nayanshree is google, tata’s bribe to ntro employees to cause losses to the google competitor
So to prevent the google competitor from listing the domain for sale in the namecheap marketplace, they have hacked the browser so that the form for listing at the namecheap marketplace is not visible . Then the google competitor will only make money from writing and the shivalli brahmin fraud nayanshree will falsely claim credit without actually doing any work.
Author: admin
call girls in goa find their websites blocked
Some times the media in goa is reporting about sex tourism, leading to outrage and the politicians to prevent further debate, will ask the police to take action against the call girl websites. So the local media is periodically reporting that the government has taken against some escort and call girl websites asking the ISPs to block them. However the ISP is only blocking the url, and the website owner can let the blocked domain to drop , and transfer the content to a new domain name. So there are a large number of call girl, escort domains which are dropping regularly in the expired domain lists.
Tourists from all over India flock to goa to enjoy themselves as top officials in the government, intelligence and security agencies have a very liberal outlook towards sex tourism , and young women providing sex services to government employees allegedly hold senior intelligence positions in Goa with fake resumes, have great powers . In most places in India, the local community will take action against those providing sex services, however tourists visiting goa can enjoy the services of Call girls in goa without facing any kind of harassment or censure.
Indian government falsely claiming google, tata supplied goan R&AW employees hired for SEX services,frauds are experienced engineers,online experts, domain investors
In an indication of how dishonest, shameless and corrupt top indian government employees are in 2017, the Indian government falsely claiming google, tata supplied goan R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi hired for SEX services,fraud R&AW/CBI employees like indore document robber veena, a cheater housewife are experienced engineers,online experts, domain investors to pay all these frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman bhandari engineer and google competitor .
The income tax returns, bank details will easily prove that top NTRO, CBI, R&AW, security agency employees led by the brahmin cheater puneet are involved in major SEX, identity theft racket, financial fraud, yet the government refuses to investigate and end the fraud.
Just because bribe taking top NTRO employees are taking bribes to repeat lies about domain ownership , why should the real domain investor tolerate the defamation and lies for more than 7 years. Why are lazy greedy fraud CBI/R&AW employees falsely claiming to be associated with a private citizen, who they have defamed, cheated, exploited and not helped in any way at all, to get credit and a monthly indian government salary
\Why do the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree not pay the market value of the domain names, and get them legally transferred in their name can the nTRo, cbi, raw employees explain
Warning about India and maharashtra’s top domain fraudster shameless greedy gujju R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel
Since the indian government refuses to check bank details, income tax returns and end the domain financial online fraud masterminded by google, tata since 2010, the real domain investor is forced to post disclaimers so that more people, companies and countries are not duped
The greatest domain fraudster in thane, maharashtra, India is the google, tata sponsored shameless greedy gujju R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel with straightened hair who is married to the owner of a underwear shop jitu patel, and who falsely claims to own the domain names of a google competitor with the help of the shameless top NTRO, R&AW, CBI employees who she has either seduced or offered BRIBES to Top NTRO, R&AW, CBI employees
The google, tata masterminded great online domain financial fraud of asmita patel started in 2013 and though the gujju conwoman R&AW employee asmita patel has not paid a single penny or paisa towards domain names, with the help of the shameless section 420 fraud google, tata employees she is duping people, companies and countries worldwide with her fake claims, falsely claiming to own the domains of a harmless google competitor, to deny the google competitor the income and opportunities she deserved
Though urjit patel is the rbi governor, not all patels are honest, and income tax returns, bank details will easily prove that google, tata sponsored shameless greedy gujju R&AW employee domain fraudster asmita patel has never invested any money in domain names anytime in her life.
Unlike miserly fraud R&AW/CBI/google/tata employees, even the broke greeks are paying a fair price for domain names
The miserly fraud NTRO, R&AW/CBI/google/tata employees are some of the greatest cheaters in the world, refusing to pay even a single paisa or penny for domain names of the google competitor, however they are shamelessly and falsely claiming to own the domain names, to dupe companies, countries and people worldwide and get a monthly indian government salary. This is major financial fraud which the shameless miserly fraud ntro, R&AW/CBI/google/tata employees refuse to acknowledge
Realizing that the ntro employees are extremely ruthless in cancelling almost all the ads sold on her websites as part of corporate espionage, the google competitor is now trying to sell the domain names, so that she can make some quick money, and also reduce domain renewal expenses.
Other seo companies are willing to pay a fair price for these quality domain names, unlike the miserly fraud ntro, R&AW/CBI/google/tata employees and they will not be harassed by the malicious fraud ntro employees, so they can make more money.
Unlike the miserly fraud ntro, R&AW/CBI/google/tata employees who make fake claims without paying any money repeating their lies like parrots since 2010 , domain buyers from all other countries including greece, are willing to pay the market price for the domain names, and get them legally transferred to their account
Google competitor able to sell more than half of domains for sale at foreign domain registrars
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Though google, tata, ntro, cbi, R&AW are extremely vicious in defaming the harmless google competitor with their malicious fake stories without any proof at all as having no skills at all, in addition to having better than average writing, financial skills, other than the extremely corrupt dishonest fraud indian domain registrars, government, the google competitor, is considered to be one of the best in India in selection of dropped domains by domain registrars outside india
The corrupt irrational indian government controlled by google, tata continues to falsely claim that google,tata sponsored goan SEX workers, cheater housewives and other fraud R&AW, CBI employees who have never registered a domain name in their life, own the domain names of the google competitor to waste indian tax payer on sex services, cheaters and fraud paying them monthly salaries.
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However unlike the mostly shameless fraud indian domain registrars who betray, cheat, defame their indian customer and falsely claim that google, tata sponsored frauds like the deepika padukone look alike indore document robber housewife veena, goan sex workers sunaina, siddhi, asmita patel and other frauds who do not spend any money on domain names, own the domain names of the google competitor to get all these frauds R&AW/CBI jobs at the expense of the the real domain investor, non Indian domain registrars are more honest, and appreciate the money which the domain investors are spending.
With the indian domain registrars, it is very difficult to sell any domain name, because the registrars are wasting indian tax payer money to dupe a large number of people, companies and countries with their defamatory lies about the real domain investor. Though most of the domain names are of fairly good quality, the domain investor is not able to make any money, because of corporate espionage, google, tata, ntro employees are cancelling the ads which are being sold.
However when the google competitor, domain investor is listing her domain names for sale with other domain registrars, she is able to sell more than half her domain names for sale, at a very good profit of more 4 times the original registration cost, indicating that the domains which she is registering are of good quality and domain investors, seo professionals would be interested in purchasing the domain names.
This clearly indicates how dishonest , petty frauds and liars, ntro, cbi, raw, security agency, google, tata employees are, refusing to acknowledge the domain expertise of the google competitor. With the dishonest fraud indian registrars, she is not able to sell most of her domain names, and is making a loss due to the dishonesty, corruption, nepotism of the ntro,cbi employees who cannot be identified or held accountable.
The indian government,google, tata,NTRO falsely claim that google, tata supplied goan SEX worker R&AW employees obc bhandari slim sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc offering SEX services to NTRO, cbi employes, indore document robber R&AW employee veena and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees who do not spend any money, are registering the domain names to pay all these frauds a monthly indian government salary.
However Namecheap, Dynadot and other foreign registrars are aware of the fraud of the indian government,NTRO because the disclaimers would not be posted on the domain names, if the google, tata supplied sex worker, fraud R&AW/CBI employees were actually controlling the domain names, paying for them.
Top internet sector officials lacking vision pamper cheater housewife with poor eyesight in domain name fraud
The termination of the .in domain registrar without any prior notice or providing any kind of information, clearly exposes the fact that the top indian internet sector and NTRO officials completely lack vision , shamelessly and brazenly pamper cheater housewife with poor eyesight, get her R&AW job with fake resume, fake investment, fake paypal account and fake online work.
The entire fiasco has made NIXI the laughing stock of the internet world, why did they allow government employees to make so many fake claims for more than 7 years. In countries like the United states, the top officials have vision , recognize hard work, experience and interest in a particular sector, When the cheater document robber housewife veena had no interest and no inclination in working online, why are top indian government employees in the indian internet sector shamelessly abusing their powers, making completely fake claims and trying to fool people, companies and countries with their lies .
Why are the top indian government officials so lacking in vision, that they could not predict or recognize the fact that indore R&AW employee veena like the other 10 google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree would not be interested in investing money in domain names, once she and others got the coveted R&AW/CBI job with fake resume, fake investment and fake online work.
CIA, NSA cleverly manipulated R&AW,CBI, NTRO to waste indian tax payer money to destroy the life and finances of the google competitor, so that google could make more profit. Now goodreads is asking the google competitor to review Vision as the NSA/CIA is very pleased to have exploited the lack of vision of top indian government employees in the indian internet sector who are openly involved in a domain name fraud,
Domain registrar termination Updates posted at
The status conscious ntro employees refused to communicate with india’s largest female domain investor, an ugly short woman,a google competitor however they shamelessly misused her name, falsely claiming that the .in domains also belonged to them, when there was no connection at all.
They probably used “our” when referring to the .in domain names of the google competitor creating a major online sex, cheating, job scandal, and causing a .in registrar to be suspended as the google competitor moved her domains to the .in domain registrar
So now the other .in domain investors are posting updates at “” in an indication that the fraud ntro employees made fake claims about .in domain ownership causing the entire fiasco.
These ntro employees led by j srinivasan created the impression that the registrant for .in domain names was a proxy and they were actually paying for the .in domain name, when they had never done so, there was no connection. He also falsely claimed that his darling goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina , providing sex services to top government employees,and not investing any money was owning the domain names of the google competitor to get the sex worker, a R&AW job with monthly salary. The real domain investor is complaining and many are gossiping at ICANN and elsewhere about the brazen sex, bribery racket of the ntro employees shamelessly cheating and exploiting the google competitor.
Someone may have complained and when it was investigated , j srinivasan got nixi to terminate the registrar so that his sex , financial fraud was not exposed
Google, tata online domain financial fraud causing problems for .in domain investors
The cowardly indian mainstream media refuses to cover the google, tata online domain financial fraud which has created chaos online, however the termination of .in domain registrar has created a lot of problems for domain investors as their sales are getting suspended, causing a cash crunch.
Additionally the whois data for the domain names is getting changed to the pre mit domain registrar, which is a major problem for those who have purchased the domain names, as the domain whois is showing that of the earlier seller.
It would be interesting to know the name, designation of the NIXI employee who took the decision to terminate the registrar, and what the exact reason for termination of the registrar.
Thos who have actually invested their hard earned money in .in domain names, have the right to get the exact details.
Registrar allegedly terminated for exposing NTRO, CBI, R&AW domain fraud on google competitor
스포츠중계 굿라이브
The sundar pichai led google is so ruthless in destroying the finances and life of google competitor, that it bribed the shameless fraud NTRO, CBI, R&AW employees to falsely claim that their relatives, friends and sex partners, who did not spend any money on domain names, owned the domain names of the google competitor to get them positions of great power, R&AW/CBI jobs.
Tired of being cheated and exploited, the google competitor moved the domains away to another domain registrar who may not have been willing to commit a similar fraud, since smaller companies cannot afford to lose customers
So the powerful ntro, cbi, raw employees got the registrar terminated giving flimsy excuses, not because of financial problems . Now the registrar is threatening to sue NIXI because everyone knows that NTRO is falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan obc bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc who offers sex services and does not spend any money on domain names, owns the domain names of the google competitor
NTRO,CBI, R&AW are falsely claiming that the google, tata sponsored raw employee sunaina, sex worker is an online expert when actually income tax returns, bank details will prove that she is not connected with the internet, ntro’s favorite sex worker(who they falsely claim is an investor) su is e
Now the whois details of the domains are changed to the whois of the prior registrar with registrar name changed to Nixi holding registrar, what move will be made next it remains to be seen. When their girlfriends and relatives did not pay for any of the domain names, why are ntro employees creating so many problems to cover up their endless lies.
It appears that ntro, google, tata ‘s sex, identity theft racket is being discussed worldwide as few countries are so brazen and shameless in committing fraud on harmless domain investors like india, specifically ntro.