In one of the greatest online government frauds in history, the Indian government is openly involved in massive DOMAIN FRAUD making fake claims about married women, call girls and frauds who do not spend any money on domains for 10 years hiring them in raw/cbi falsely claiming that they own the domains of a single woman engineer, domain investor who top government employees HATE
The indian government is wasting 4 crores or more annually since 2010, to monitor all the activities including financial transactions of the domain investor, engineer, yet it refuses to check the financial records of the raw/cbi employees who falsely claim to own the domain names and get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor
Anyone with basic financial knowledge will be able to find out who is making the payment for the domain names, checking the bank records of the raw/cbi employees. The government is only checking the records of hardworking honest citizens after criminally defaming them every day, it refuses to check the records and claims of the LIAR NTRO, RAW, cbi, google, tata employees even once a year.
All the payment for the domains is made using credit card or cheque and anyone with financial knowledge should ask the raw/cbi employees why their bank records are not showing any credit card, cheque payment for domains
Yet in a clear example of government financial fraud, it refuses to check the financial, bank records of the raw/cbi employees, dupes countries, people, and companies with fake claims, and CRIMINALLY DEFAMES the real domain investor in the worst possible manner.